3 Ways to Impress Prospect with your Business Website

Having a website is like setting your appointment. Normally, people on a business meeting dress well and prepare themselves for a set of questions, not to be caught off guard when one of your business partners throws an inquiry.

In building a website, you have to be able to look decent like a good salesperson that knows the right tone to apply in his message and be able to present well his intention as a business nevertheless, you’re online store is lacking. We can’t deny the fact that first impression will never run out of charm.

So in terms of characteristics, here’ your website requirements to have a negotiating skills.

Your website should be..


Have a break.. Have a Kitkat

Finding a keyword related to your service and see if it’s available is not enough. When you speak of memorable domain they tend to mean a good brand. When you’re putting up your business out there, you have to offer something unique that in just the sound of your product or service, customers will easily know.


A Picture Paints a Thousand Words

Along with textual content, images are as powerful especially in conveying messages so don’t give mixed signals. At a glance, they should give hints to your visitors what business do you offer, how you do it and how does it benefits them. Do some tests, ask a couple of friends or family on what they think of your website or the pictures in it. Just know their thoughts, at least you get to have free tips as well as improve what should be improved.


Something New is Better

Fresh content could revived the fading gloss and spread the good news. Reinforced your website by publishing worthwhile content over the web. It’s one strategy where you could basically display your expertise, one thing that convinced a buyer to avail a product or a service.

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