Marketing Tool of the Digital Age: Social Media

MarketingFlyers and all other traditional marketing strategy are being trumped by this online maneuver; social media.

So out of the way oldies, social media is here. It has been widely used as communication platform but not for long, it has been utilized in marketing. The cheapest mode of online marketing today.

A day to day tweets or status update will likely garner attention, so it is just worth a try to invest a little of your time and budget. Besides, social media is free so what’s stopping you?

For B2C targets, Facebook, instagram and Pinterest were the ideal social networks to display products. Did you ever noticed your timeline are now flooded with food images along with hashtags #foodporn #cravingsatisfied? Well, except for those who already filtered their feeds.

It become easier for food brands and restaurants to established visibility over the web and create awareness to their market audience. Aside from that, there are numerous perks that are worth mull on:

Social media use to emphasize customer value

Use social networking sites to hear your complaints. It’s not that you don’t have good products to sell but more than that, people appreciate good customer service. Respond in every inconvenience and lend your ears to your customer suggestions because more than anyone else, they are the best people to tell you what they want.

Social media as a lead generation tool

More than branding, the main goal of marketing is to generate customers. Keep a good profile, be a thought leader and post enticing tweets or status everyday and you’ll be surprise, if one day  customers would come knocking on your chatbox.

Social media as your storybook

Marketing is all about storytelling and social media is one great platform to unfold your story. Create a video about your business, how it started and what inspires you to continue, you will be shocked on how people will respond. You can also make tutorial videos to present your expertise, in this way you’ll earn their trust.
So here’s a Starbucks tweet to start your day!

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